Reason why PM Modi's image remains untouched


This article is from November 2016. [Demonetisation] "...Everyone will have to face problems for some time. I and everyone here are facing problems, But it is not a problem. The queue keeps moving  In the end, at least something good will happen [through demonetisation]"

 This article is from April 2019. [General Elections] : Why is Modi your first preference? And,interestingly why is Akhilesh Yadav, second? 
Person: Except for Unemployment, they [Modi Govt.] have done good work on other issues. But Unemployment should be your biggest issue, right? 
Person: Yes, Unemployment is the biggest issue. 
Person: But they've started working on it. In the next term, they'll work more on it [unemployment]. In both these articles, you would be able to notice one common aspect [feature]. In spite of the deep economic and social impacts of Modi Govt's. major policy decisions, people are not criticising[finding fault with] him (Modi). In fact, they are praising him [Modi]. This is a very unique [special] situation where only the credit for positive results go to PM Modi and not the credit for negative results. So, many political journalists and experts claimed that "PM Modi has developed a Teflon image" which is a term used frequently in political science. Teflon (C2F4)n is a chemical compound used in non-stick frying pans. You might have seen them in many ads. "...I've chosen Prestige non-stick cookware which doesn't have any harmful chemicals. And, it comes with a 5-layer non-stick coating." Teflon leaders are the ones, on whom criticism never sticks to, no matter how much they are criticised. On the other end are velcro leaders.(Velcro - found in footwear, etc for fastening) on whom even the slightest form of criticism sticks to their image. Every leader, both political & non-political could be placed somewhere in between this scale. Experts feel that PM Modi is on the Teflon side of the scale.

 As a result, the deep impact (effect)on the Indian economy due to COVID-19 might have very less effect on PM Modi's political ambition. The main reason behind this is PM Modi is not just a political leader.He is almost, a spiritual leader too. Teflon and "Spiritual" On 8th Nov, 2016 PM Modi announced that₹ 500 & ₹ 1,000 currency notes will be withdrawn. After one month [Dec 2016] the same story happened in Venezuela, too where President Nicolás Maduro announced that he was cancelling the 100-bolivar (Bs.F) currency notes as those notes were in the mafia's possession (in the hands of mafia). But when he announced that the 100-bolivar currency notes will not be a legal tender after 3 days, people came on roads to protest against this decision. But no such protests happened in India.(during demonetisation) People supported this decision in spite of knowing that demonetisation neither brought back black money nor infiltration was under control and, even the other objectives [targets]of the Govt. were not completed. In spite of all these, many did not criticise (find fault with) PM Modi. 

They felt at least, he [Modi] was trying (to do something good). This was the first indication about PM Modi's Teflon image. PM Modi is not the only leader about whom this word ["Teflon leader"] is being used. Japanese PM Shinzō Abe, American President Donald Trump, Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini, and Polish politician Jarosław Kaczyński. This term has been used for all these politicians because in spite of their corruption and sex-scandals,the impact on their image is very less. Researchers feel that such leaders have some common aspects (features). They are seen as extroverted and outgoing(socially confident) which appeals to voters. But this definition alone, cannot explain PM Modi's Teflon image. We will have to do an in-depth study for this. There are several reasons behind this Teflon image. Like nationalism, Hindu majoritarianism, control over media, financial advantage & a weak opposition. We will not discuss these factors in this article as they've been already discussed. Instead, we will see what form has this Teflon image taken? We had seen the form of this image during May 2019 when PM Modi decided to meditate in Kedarnath after [election] campaigning. As always, Media paid more attention to this. [..."Now you'll be able to see from the cave,after meditating for the whole night & today morning, [PM Modi] just came out"...]. 

That was a point to show us, PM Modi's image was not just of a political leader but also of a spiritual leader. As a result, things which could weaken anormal political leader's career [profession], like the economic slowdown, were not making any impact on PM Modi's image. Asim Ali, a research associate at Centre for Policy Research, also spoke about it on his recent article. And he points out that the way PM Modi uses the Hindi language, is responsible for his spiritual image. ScoopWhoop had created a quiz on the words used by PM Modi in "Atmanirbar"[self-reliant] speech. But we need not focus on the fact that PM Modi is using difficult Hindi words. Instead, we should focus on his choice of words. To describe the problems of migrant workers, PM Modi used the words Sacrifice ["Tyaag"], Penance ["Tapasya"]and Trial (test) by fire ["Agni Pariksha"] PM Modi called Demonetisation,a sacrifice ["Yagna"] against corruption. When he gave a speech in support of Corona warriors,he asked people to perform 7 activities. which was almost, similar to asking people to take 7 promises (vows) [during an Indian marriage]. PM Modi uses many religious texts in his speeches, too. [..."The [Kurukshetra] war in Mahabharata was won in 18 days. & This war against Corona [virus] will take 21 days"...] All these things help in developing his spiritual image. Language is one factor. The other factor & is the way PM Modi phrases (chooses the words for)his major policy schemes during his communication. 

Benjamin Franklin used an important tool in his political career which is now called"Benjamin Franklin" effect. This can be found in PM Modi's speeches, too. According to this effect, if you ask a favour (help)from someone and if he/she accepts to help, then the chances of him/her accepting your second request for a favour [help] also increases and he/she would start liking you more. 


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